My Status Messages

I love quotable quotes that inspires me to love life more. Below are status messages that I share in any social media sites that I'm a member of. Some comes out of my head and some I got from inspiration people. There are also prayers I've Hope you can relate!

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. (James 1:2-4)

God is in control. He is sovereign ... even in our pain, even in our troubles. Through it all, his love is transforming us, perfecting us, completing us. - FB16032014

God we pray to you today as we are going through difficulties or going through corrections or going through training or going through proofreading of being your disciple. We just pray that we remain open to you. Open and humble enough to receive this teaching, to receive this training, claiming that one day we will be perfect, made perfect by you. In Jesus Name, Amen.
- FB 08052013

There are so many things in life that we cannot control, but the only thing that we can control is the amount of faith that we put in, to the GOD who can do everything. <PIBJ>
- FB 01052013

No one is above the other, whether it be your race, your job, your status, your age, etc. As long as you know that you've dealt with people fairly with kindness and understanding. At the end of our journey, we're not judged by the material possessions we have or the power we have in the government. It's more of an assessment on how you are as a person. Would someone miss you if your gone? Would someone even care? Would you be able to leave any legacy that would serve as an inspiration to others? It's time to save up good virtues for a life well lived.
- FB 14042013

“A mature person is one who does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and in all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably with the circumstances of life, knowing that in this world no one is all knowing and therefore all of us need both love and charity.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
- FB 07042013

I've recently known you and have seen you to be fun and challenging, but after spending a day doing ways to conquer you, it made me think, are u worth spending my time with? Now your making me crazy. I'm just glad I have supportive friends who encourages me, not to give up because they can always be there to share and give on what they call "LIFE".
-FB 28032013

The hardest part about accepting the saying everything happens for a reason is waiting for that reason to come along. We know that Death is always around the corner, but often our society gives it inordinate help. But life must go on, and we just lift this all up to HIM and pray. As Jesus said "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."
- FB 16032013

Many of us, we go through life as though it's like a race. We speed up thinking that we're trying to beat somebody to the finish line. But the truth is, we're all gonna get to that finish line one way or the other. Life is not about being the first one to arrive in that destination, but it's the journey that you take, the quality of the journey that you have when you get to that finish line. We have to enjoy this trip that we have and not try to speed things up all the time. We don't want to miss the fine moments around us, all the people that's there, especially all the blessings that we need to appreciate. (PIBJ)
- FB 13032013

We should not end our relationship with God through praying and worshipping the Lord, we should go beyond that, to go serve, to let the Lord use us to bless other people. What is worship without service? What is our prayer? What is our worship? if it not be shown to act what love. Love in action, in other words, service. What is God asking us to act upon? Let's move.act.serve and be a blessing to others. <PIBJ>
-FB 07032013

Father God, thank u so much for just surprising us in each & every day & thank u Lord that even though we make our plans & even though we execute it in the best way as we can You still have the perfect and best plan for our lives. Teach us Lord to trust, and teach us Lord to just surrender to that plan. All these we pray, in Jesus name and through the prayers of Mary. Amen. <PIBJ>
-FB 17022013

God's message, is that He doesn't need you to feel ready, He just needs you to follow and obey. Because even if we're not ready, God is saying you can get ready on the way. Because "I' m ready, I'm ready to empower you, I'm ready to bless you, I'm ready to provide for you and to guide you". Remember, that God is calling us, not to fully understand but to completely obey. Because blessing is God's department and obedience is ours. Trust God because He has amazing plans for you.
-FB 15012013

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